Public speaking is more feared by most than death !!

Sounds a crazy statement to make on the surface but there’s a
plenty of evidence to back it up. I can certainly vouch for my share of fear in the past before I overcome the fears of the old me. There was many a time in my past, even when I was calm and relaxed before it was my turn to speak but as soon I stood up my brain seem to sit down !!
There are many practical tips I share with my clients about breathing, stance, intonation, sound levels, projection, speed, pauses, passion, use of humour but I believe the most important thing to conquer is yourself with the correct mindset.

With a combination of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and in some cases past trauma therapy you will be free to enjoy all the benefits of being not only comfortable but happy to speak to small or large groups of people. Imagine the confidence that will come from no longer feeling dread but embracing the opportunity whenever it arises. There are obvious benefits in your career to be able to give confident presentations, and also in your social life making new friends and increasing the pleasure of communicating with friends and family.
Typically resolved in 1 - 3 sessions